Homeless Task Force Lays Out Their Plans

Housing Solutions a few weeks ago confirmed that yes, homelessness is increasing in Tulsa, with the annual point in time count going up 26% since last year. And then, after meeting for over a year, the Tulsa Homeless Task Force recently detailed their findings and recommendations for dealing with the ever increasing homeless problem. The #1 goal from the task force is more housing production. And, the biggest need from people on the streets is the lack of affordable housing. We just don’t have many good places for our homeless friends to really live.
Our chronically homeless friends, those without a home for at least a year, and many 5 years or more, are the most vulnerable and the hardest to house. They have very few good options now for decent, sustainable housing.
So, having the mindset of a small business owner, where we develop systems to meet needs and solve problems, I started a new non-profit, bought the land, and began the process of producing tiny-homes in a community setting at Eden Village. In less than two years we’re on our way towards welcoming our first 9 new neighbors off the streets this summer, and with continued funding and support we’ll be fully open with 63 by Christmas.
It’s really pretty simple for me, because as a person of Faith, Jesus told us we should care for the least of these. Yes, the government sure needs to play a role in the fight. And, we have many good non-profits and agencies working towards meeting the needs of our homeless friends.
My question is, what should be the response of THE CHURCH?
Our homeless friends need a dignified home, in a community setting, surrounded by the help, love, relationships, and support they need. Who can better do that than THE CHURCH? This is a community problem, in need of a community response. Our area churches are an important part of our community, so let’s make it happen! Let’s have 63 new neighbors enjoying their Christmas lights from their front porches this December.