Will We Be Like Denver?

My wife and I were recently at our Colorado mountain cabin, where we get the local Denver news station. They have an election for their new Mayor next month. You know what the #1 issue that the many Mayor candidates are talking and arguing about? Homelessness. And this is in a city that will spend a total of $1.7B between 2021 and the end of this year in combating homelessness. That’s Billion, with a B. However, in spite of this level of spending, the problems are still increasing.
I’m only about two years personally into this homeless battle, so I’m still learning. But it sure seems to me that if we don’t really get ahead of the problem here, we may end up in Tulsa where Denver is now. Do we really want that?
It is estimated that Denver spends between $42k and $104k PER HOMELESS PERSON now in services and caring for the homeless. While we are not that high in Tulsa, our community spends substantial dollars in this. So to me, investing a toal of $100K per tiny home to lift a homeless person off the streets and into safe, dignified homes is a great deal!
We are thankful that Mayor Bynum has driven a stake into the ground on this and challenged our business, faith, and philanthropic communities to meet the challenge. As a community, we have to all step up and do our part. You can help us and our homeless friends in Tulsa with a donation here.